Physical approaches promise new discoveries and understanding of microbial life. Increasingly, physicists have become fascinated by microorganisms, and are making important contributions to understanding how microorganisms live and build their communities. Recent progress made in different fields of theoretical physics (statistical physics, out-of-equilibrium physics, mechanics, theoretical biology,...) combined with the accelerating developments of new experimental instruments and data analysis techniques, have strongly contributed to the emergence and development of a new scientific community at the interface of physics and microbiology.
This PALM international and multidisciplinary summer school aims to bring together world-leading physicists and biologists interested in microbial life, international students (masters students, graduate students, post-docs) and young and senior scientists, to provide a comprehensive overview of the current progress, and to stimulate further interactions and collaborations. Microbiology lecturers will introduce the fundamental concepts of microbes and will present the most recent research results in biology while physics lecturers will expose the many facets of the current biophysical understanding of microbial processes.
The summerschool is mainly supported by the "PALM" LabEx. "PALM" LabEx stands for Laboratory of Excellence "Physics: Atoms, Light, Matter", a large consortium of 37 laboratories of the Paris-Saclay campus gathering more than 700 permanent physicists. The PALM theme 2 is dedicated to complex systems (from non-equilibrium process to biological matter) and promotes emerging fields of physics related to biology. See more informations by clicking here.
poster: PALM_summer_school_Microbiophysics_2018.pdf
contact: microbes.lps@u-psud.fr
The school will be held in Gif-sur-Yvette, in the near suburb of Paris, at the edge of the Natural Regional Park of "Vallée de Chevreuse". Lectures, Meals and Housing will be at the centre CGT Frachon in Gif-sur-Yvette.
Pietro Cicuta, Biological and Soft Systems, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK)
Knut Drescher, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology & Faculty of Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg (GER)
Eric Raspaud, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS - Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay (FRA)
Sabine Hoarau (assistance & secretary) and Sandrine Ermisse & Pouneh Milanian (financial management), Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay - France