Registration closed
For any further requests, please send an email to microbes.lps@u-psud.fr
Participants already registered : If you need to apply for a visa and you need certain documents (e.g. a letter of invitation) from the organizers, please contact the organizers.
To register for the summer school, please follow these two steps:
1) Create an account on the sciencesconf.org platform (click on the arrow at the top right, "Login")
2) Login and click on "My Space" to register. To validate your registration, click on Overview and then on Submit.
An email is automatically sent.
Payment for Full attendance, with or without accommodation (only for non-PALM members):
When you are ready, please proceed to the payment via the link that was sent to you automatically in the email after registration.
Payment by credit card (CB, VISA, MASTERCARD, E-CB) or by "Bon de commande" (for french academic participants).
Submission of abstracts for Full and occasional attendance:
Click on "My Space" to submit an abstract for a poster and/or a short talk. Short talks (20min) will be selected from the submitted abstracts. Another email is automatically sent.
Your Registration and Submission details may be changed at any time before the deadline